Posted 8 years ago
(3476 items)
This is probably my favorite purchase from last week's mini-vacation. It is a shadowbox full of sea shells. Could be shells from California but it has no sand dollars. Sand dollars are probably the most common shell found in California.
I had estimated the dimensions of this at 24" x 18". Luckily I had a tape measure in my pocket and found out is is actually 25" x 19". Good thing I had that tape measure with me.
Whoever did this put a lot more care into the project than I do with sea shells. You can see mine in the three on the left in the last photo. There is another very nice one I didn't do in the lower right corner in the last photo.
The mystery piece in this case is the one towards the lower right corner that looks like a trilobite.
Nice collection and very well displayed, Love some of the color combos mother nature comes up with.
Never seen one before, I wonder how they are attached to the backing. that intrigues me ! Very nice to get a whole collection in one swoop.
I love all the displays, the new one and the ones you made. I've collected sea shells from all over the U.S. and they are in small jars, compote dishes, and even simple woven baskets. I need to get off my butt and show them the love and respect you show yours. Very nice!
Thank you very much PP. Mother nature does excellent work.
Thank you very much Phil. I use a hot glue gun to do mine. The new one used something a bit nicer. It is some sort of glue. Very well done considering how small some of the shells are.
Thank you very much Karenoke. Get some shadow boxes and a hot glue gun and you are ready to go.
Thank you very much nutsabotas6. Very kind of you.
Thank you
I love Sea shells and what a fantastic collection you have ! wow
And thank you very much Manikan!
Thank you
That's quite a collection fort! I don't know what that corner shell is but it's very pretty and I love that one crab ? shell above it to just to the left. I live here in California and have to say, I haven't seen a sand dollar in years come to think of it. Maybe it's like the puka shells in Hawaai...disappearing!
Then again, I haven't seen the starfish in a while and you have a lot of them...very nice ;)
Thank you very much shareurpassion. I think what you are looking at is a pair of oyster shells. One is stuck inside the other and it actually is supposed to be attached to the shell above it. No clue what that articulated shell thing is. Looks like a big rolly polly. I saw sand dollars in Morro Bay recently. They were alive and they dig into the sand. They are black when they are alive. Haven't seen starfish lately but I haven't looked. Cabrillo Beach has good tide pools.
Thank you IrishCollector.
Nice collection! I think the mystery critter is a Chiton. I really love them, they stick to the rocks like living fossils.
Thank you very much Zilla. And thank you solving the puzzle of the mystery creature.
Thank you goodeyeguy.
Lovely collection, the last picture is very special, I see this is not your first with seashell, before you find this one, Nice.
Thank you very much Alan. No not my first. Two of those I made and a third one was half done and I completed it. The one in the lower right I bought complete.
Thank you
Thank you SEAN68.