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Antique jewelry box with Godey print

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (20 items)

    My wife found this jewelry box on one of our Galveston trips. It's 9 3/4"L x 7 3/4" W x 2 1/2" H. There is a Godey print under the glass on the top. I thought the print was the same as the photo to the right of the box however the dress on the woman on the right is different in both prints.

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    1. Manikin Manikin, 8 years ago
      Very nice piece and my guess it was easier to use already printed ladies and just change the dress for print . These were used to show women of the world the fashion trend in France which was followed by women to keep up on the newest looks . Prints were sent to USA and other places but also looked so nice they were framed later on .
    2. capot1948 capot1948, 8 years ago
      Thanks, yes I have to more of the Godey's prints that are framed that I'm going to post on another area.
    3. Manikin Manikin, 8 years ago
      At one time I had a whole wall full of them but over time I sold them off and kept a few . I will look forward to seeing more of your prints :-)
    4. capot1948 capot1948, 8 years ago
      Geez, I need to proofread my posts, should have been 'two'. I'll put the link here when I do. I need to take better photos first.
    5. Manikin Manikin, 8 years ago
      I am lax on reading my posts before I post too and make error's but I knew what you meant :-) and I hope people know what I mean when I miss a letter or 2 .
    6. capot1948 capot1948, 8 years ago
    7. Manikin Manikin, 8 years ago
      valentino97 you need at least one more so you have a pair :-)
    8. capot1948 capot1948, 8 years ago
      True, two are definitely better than on
    9. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 8 years ago
      Mary, we'll have to work on you getting more Godey stuff! :^)
    10. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 8 years ago
      capot, what a nice find your wife made, both a nice print, and a beautiful jewelry box! :^)
    11. capot1948 capot1948, 8 years ago
      Thanks Bill, we're heading out today to a town we haven't been to in about 3yrs though it's only 35mi away. It's got about 5 antique stores in it, one especially where we've gotten good buys.
    12. capot1948 capot1948, 8 years ago
      Well it wasn't very much of a fruitful trip. I picked up a small silver plated tray for $5.00 and my wife got a small jewelry box that says inside the lid 'Made of Incolay Stone, Handcrafted in the USA'. She paid $19.50 for that. I'll have to post photos of it and once I clean up the tray post on the silver plate area.

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