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TZARINA jug. Nanny Still, 1960s.

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (584 items)

    This jug was one of my husband's birthday gifts last month. I recognized it as Tzarina at once because of the shape and the colour, but I had never seen this design before, so I had my doubts about it... poor Carlos, he felt a bit angry at me for it ;). Luckily I could ask a couple of expert friends and they confirmed it was one of the many and very differet designs Nanny still made for the Tzarina series... one of them even sent me the pics from the Designlasi book on image 2.

    I already had one of the Tzarina jugs, a pretty normal design that usually is found in yellow, dark green, dark blue (the rarest of them all) and clear glass, and in two sizes, mine being the small one. I've also got 6 or 8 matching drinking glasses.

    On the last image, sent by the same friend who sent me the book pics, you can see somebody's truly amazing Nanny Still collection with SO many different Tzarina items... some of which I had never seen -or imagine- before.

    I am presenting you my jug with a big ball stopper which doesn't appear on the Designlasi book... but I do believe it was originally intended as astopper for this very model; on image 4 you can see a simmilar one in green, but no matching green jug. This one would be the second ball stopper Nanny Sstill designed, the first one belonging to the Triennale jug -which I have got, but unfortunately the stopper is missing-. By the way, it looks like there is a small version of the Trienale jug on the last pic... bottom shelf at the right. Mine, in petrol blue, stands almost 40 cm. tall. The ball stopper should be black.

    The series is a bit... chaotic in terms of design. You've got the opaline items as well as the see-through ones -mostly the jug and matching glasses I've got in yellow and some vase and candleholders-. And it looks like the three balls pattern seems to be the linking pattern amongst them... but in some bottle stoppers and box lids you find stoppers with four balls, or with two balls... and sometimes just one ball... but my firts jug and glasses has no balls but rings, and there is even a design for a jug that shows no balls at all!

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    1. sklo42 sklo42, 8 years ago
      As ever your post is a delight!
    2. vetraio50 vetraio50, 8 years ago
      It really is a GREAT ADDITION to a FABULOUS COLLECTION !!!

      Carlos is a KEEPER !!!!

      LOL !!!
    3. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 8 years ago
      Thanks guys for the super nice comments and the loves!

      Vet... of course I intend to keep Carlos, ;)

      I hope I will be able to share more stuff at CW from now on. I'm actually not buying much glass, but there's still a lot of stuff that have been waiting to appear on CW for years!!!
    4. racer4four racer4four, 8 years ago
      Austro please let your lovely Carlos know that I think most people would have been confused about this one lol! It seems quite a bit different to Nanny's other Tzarina. I love your statement "a bit .....chaotic in terms of design". It almost seems a different series when you look at them together; both fantastic but really, not much in common.
      Of course it is an awesome addition to your collections; Happy Birthday Carlos!!
    5. Rick55 Rick55, 8 years ago
      Lovely piece Austro!
    6. SEAN68 SEAN68, 8 years ago
      these are stunning!!! great collection!!
    7. Scanditech Scanditech, 7 years ago
      This is a rare piece, great find (and gift)! I have seen some stoppers but not the whole thing ever yet. I love collecting Tzarina opal glass pieces, now I have about 20 pieces in my collection and like to gather more, especially if they are signed and without faults. I hope I will be able to find a similar piece in Finland in the future!
    8. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 7 years ago
      Thanks Scanditech!

      Yes, I am so happy I got it! I wish I could spend some time in Finland so I could get easier access to all te amazing stuff one can find there! but I'm sure that after a couple of months there I would go bankrupt! During the week we spent there last June we purchased 21 pieces of glass, mostly Nanny Still items but also some Franck and Sarpaneva, and we saw so many items I'd like to add to my collection!

      Hope to see many more of your items here at Collectors Weekly
    9. freiheit freiheit, 6 years ago
      You have a great collection. I also spotted "Sandmann". How does he fit into your collection? I saw him and some of his friends in antique stores in Germany. I should have kept mine:)

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