Posted 8 years ago
(1 item)
There are marks on the bottom but they are impossible to read. There is a number and it either says 800 or 900 and I'm not even sure about that. The other mark looks like a bug? This was my great aunts and I inherited it but would be nice to know who manufactured it and maybe find the cream pitcher that would accompany this. The mermaid on the lid is holding a fish to the sky. The three dolphins on the stem are very well made. It stands about 6" high. Anyone know?
Description of marks (‚‚bug‚‚) does not help much. Good close up of the mark is needed.
800 or 900 is fineness number (most probably). So, it is not sterling (.925).
Common misconception in identifying sterling with solid silver (as opposite of silver plated items). Sterling is only one standard (.925). Solid silver can range from lower fineness than sterling (750, 800, 830) but also higher (950).