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WW I 89th Div. 353rd Infantry

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (9 items)

    Shown are some of the items passed down through the years to myself the grandson of the soldier shown. I, like so many, should remember their
    family members that have made the world free for use. The first picture is of a shadow box I have in my office with photo's of my Grandfathers wartime objects such as the WWI Service Victory Medal with the bars showing involvement in the Defensive Sector, the Meuse - Argonne and
    the St. Mihiel actions, along with photo's and patches.
    The second, is his helmet with the 89th symbol on it.
    The third, is a wall photo of the 89th Div 353rd, Infantry. 42" long
    The emblem on the helmet and uniforms stood for the Rolling W Div.
    from the states of the mid-west America and my family was from Kansas.
    Just a little history shown.

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    1. scottvez scottvez, 8 years ago
      Great grouping-- and fantastic that it has stayed in the family!

      Thanks for sharing.

    2. Padit, 8 years ago
      Just want to thank you all, for giving it your time
    3. Padit, 8 years ago
      Very Much Appreciated
    4. Padit, 8 years ago
      Thanks You Very Much
    5. Padit, 8 years ago
      Many Thanks
    6. Padit, 8 years ago
      Very Much Appreciated.

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