Posted 8 years ago
(3445 items)
This is a fairly recent figure that took a few years to complete. This is often the case with vintage figures but not so much with newer ones. A piece of the Hawkeye costume came with each Captain Action Hero costume. I believe there were six costumes that had to be purchased before getting a complete Hawkeye costume (figure not included). It may have been 8 if the Captain Action and Dr Evil figures came with Hawkeye pieces but I think it was 6.
In the background here is an original Captain Action figure made by Ideal All of my Captain Action figures from this series have are wearing the various superhero costumes from the line. The costumes and masks are tight fitting so I do not remove them once on the figure.
The best feature of this costume set is that Ant Man is riding on one of the arrows.
There was a problem with the plastic used for the pistol causing a chemical reaction when held by Captain action if memory serves me right. Had the figure at one time and 4 of the outfits!!
Thank you very much Thomas. Dr Evil will not get those 78s!
Thank you very much roddyq. I know the accessories from the originals get melt marks easily.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you SEAN68.
Thank you indianopolisrebel.