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    Posted 8 years ago

    (48 items)

    From bottom to top they are Benjamin model E, model F, model G and another model G
    I have dissembled them all and replaced the pump leathers and seals and they all shoot. I used a different seal material as the leather ones deteriorate.
    The most velocity I have seen is approx 450 to 5oo FPS. Using Benjamin lead round shot. They are pumped by drawing the rod out and placing it on the ground and pressing on the handle and gun butt as hard as you can. 8 pumps a heavier preson could get 10 pumps.
    The trigger is tricky as it requires a fast pull to shoot, which can cause the gun to move and miss a target. the sound is not a bang but a low spiss, almost silent. This is because of the valving setup.
    The patd date is 1917 thereabouts. They all have the Id on the butt plate.
    The E and F are nickle plated, the top 2 are brass.
    I was lucky to get them at a very reasonanle price many years ago from a popular site.

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