Posted 8 years ago
(14 items)
I found this trunk at a local flea market. I particularly liked the grapevine design in the metal. I painted it silver, then black, and used a Dremel to peel away the black paint to reveal the design. The remainder of the metal was painted black. New handles were added, and the hardware was painted an antique silver. I lined the interior with a quilted fabric in burgundy, which is best if other fabrics (like quilts) are going to be stored in the trunk. My husband jokingly said that it looked like a coffin. Tung oil was applied to the slats to bring out the natural beauty of the wood.
An impressive job.
Really nice colour selection for effect... great work!
Very nice on the "coffin" interior it is important to have a place to store e'm.
A wonderful job on the Grape pattern as well .Thanks for the post.
A July 9 1872 Patent that may apply.