Posted 8 years ago
(905 items)
Though not a fan of amber as a colour I bought this because I believed it to be Welz, though I had no proof. I knew I'd be waiting for something to turn up and about a month ago I came across the pink spatter version of this shape. See image four. Spatter can make it difficult to see a shape clearly, though they are indeed the same shape!
Height 18.5 cm./7 inches
This is nice, as it allows us to see a different color that Welz used. Very nice find.
But of course I can only be certain it is Welz because you have already identified so many décors!
Beautiful Welz!
THANK you BOTH: Craig for your research to document and identify Welz and Peggy for assembling these GREAT groupings of Welz!
Even the amber is wonderful !~
Thank you so much, Phil. It's 'amberness' is countered by the relative rarity of Welz monocoloured pieces during this period.
Thank you all, the loves are appreciated.