Posted 8 years ago
(199 items)
Yeah, still exploring Kentucky. The 1st is a Waco & still flown occasionally. These, & the Stearman were used to train military pilots, well into WWII. Luv those radial engines ! 2nd is registered as Experimental & I don't remember the make. Anybody can name it ? (save me a trip). It has an inverted inline engine & only my honesty kept me from lifting the metal sign that says: AIRPLANE RIDES 50 cents. 3r is a home built & its cockpit that comes with a pickle jar with parts the mechanic couldn't find where they went. It's common to hand a pilot a jar of nuts & bolts & tell him if he finds where they go to let the mechanic know.
I'm so bored up here, that I am trying to find out how a Mowen bi-rotary eng., they have, works !
Of course there is no category for planes. How about: Visual Art ?
We have a museum relatively nearby that has a bunch of the civilian biplanes from between the world wars. OK I got it Advertising>Aviation. But then perhaps not but then again Advertising seems to work well for many items that don't fit in elsewhere.
Come up here and I will put you to work cutting up tree branches to fit them into trash cans. No need to thank me.
Great. Just what I wanted to do. Cut firewood ! This is a large museum & has a lot more in it. I'll buy a good ax & you hold your breath till I get there. LOL
Great museum!! BB2 Keep your eyes and ears open! KY Aviation museum gets some pretty cool visitors from time to time like a B-29 named FIFI,(have some really cool photos of it in flight right over my head), a B-17, a B-24 and others. Even had a Ford Tri Motor there couple of times. Got to ride in that bad boy! It was awesome flying over the bluegrass horse farms at less than 90 mph. Cheers!
Nick, I will keep an eye out. I assumed that you & Thomas had been there. It's the only museum in Lexington. Would love to see those pix of the B 17. I've never seen one.
I have some interior photos of a B17. Cockpit, bombardier position etc. You don't have to do any wood cutting.
That's a plus Fort. Why don't you post some ?
Very nice! I've never taken the time to go, but my father always loved going there.
Scott, there are young girls in bikinis at the welcome counter. We wish !
That would have been hard for me too, to leave the sign alone! I actually have a photo somewhere around here from when my great uncle took us kids to an air show...we were in the plane in the photo. Very cool!
I avoid flying in things that I have worked on.
Scott, Nick & I are going there Sat.. A B-29 & maybe a 17. Join us. My address is on my profile.
Finally got the ID of the blue plane in the 2nd pix & added description above. No wonder I didn't recognize it. A Crosley "Moon Beam" ! Only a few variations made & this is the sole survivor.
Progress is measured by the number of left-over parts, Mac.
How did I miss this,,o well nice planes ,only been up in one once over on plumb island Mass a lot of fun...good only have to click your heals for 3 more days
cant help myself
5 Days and a wake-up ! Actually spend the nite in Guadeloupe. My new profile pic didn't show up well. Disassembled plane for painting & I wrote, Some assembly required" on it.
looks like a cool place to by pass
Guadeloupe is the most violent overseas French department.[44] The high level of unemployment combined with the legacy of slavery caused violence and crime to rise especially in 2009 and 2010, the years following a great worldwide recession.[45] Since the population is so small, the murder rate is slightly more than that of Paris, but with a murder rate of 8.2 per 100,000, Guadeloupe is one of the safest islands in the Caribbean.[46] Most of this violence is caused by the drug trade or domestic disputes, and the residents of Guadeloupe describe the island as a place with not a lot of everyday crime.[46]
The only problem I ever had there, was being denied my rights to be in jail, But that's another story.
lol ya,,, you'll have to tell that story sometime .. but I have to run ,the town truck is going by spreading sand on it from the snow from the other day and its the only way I can put my toes in the sand like you enjoy your Island hopping on the way home...