Posted 8 years ago
(3475 items)
Ideal Toys is the company that invented the teddy bear way back when Teddy Roosevelt was president. 1903 I think. Sometimes when I say Ideal some people may think I mean "the best" but Ideal is the name of the toy Company.
As this one has a rubber muzzle I had a feeling it would be Ideal (the toy company). Most teddy bear makers do not have the equipment to make a muzzle like that. Turns out I was right. Various dates came up but all were from the 1950s.
Got this at the same antique mall booth as the other two in photo 4. Mr Mouse and the poor teddy bear were in the same cabinet. Perhaps if the door to the cabinet they would have sold. Perhaps next time I go there I will pick up another of their friends.
Once again there is a hidden cat in a photo or two here. It seems difficult to keep them out.
Haven't seen one with a rubber muzzle before. The cat is useful for providing a sense of scale, btw
Thank you very much Thomas. It could have been.
Thank you very much elanski. Keep in mind it is an 18 lb cat.
Thank you
Thank you very much nutsabotas6. Real men click the love button for teddy bears.
Thank you
Should you trust a bear with red eyes, even if your cat is huge??!!
Yes racer4four. The red eyed teddy is particularly trustworthy.
Thank you
Thank you SEAN68.
I am pretty sure we had this bear back in the day. I remember having this one, a big panda and a little red crouching bear-all well loved! Thanks for the blast from the past!
Thank you very much mareredware. I think they had the panda back at that antique mall.
I've been trying to find out information on a very similar teddy bear. My great grandpa gave it to my grandpa as a present when he was a child: 1950s. He handed it down to my dad and I took it. I slept with it every night as a child and it went on every vacation with me. it was not new when I got it so it's got some wear on it. My grandma did some patch work on it to keep it from falling apart but it looks pretty close to yours. I cannot figure out how to post a picture on this comment. But I thought it was always a cubbigund bear named cubbi.
You can post a link to the photo if you can get a photo on the net. If it has the rubber muzzle it probably is an Ideal bear.
Oh. Thank you. I ended up posting a picture of it as my picture with a description
I think we have a winner here. Has the same pattern and the rubber nose. Your bear was made by Ideal in the 1950s.
May be so. I've been searching the internet and I've found where and ideal toys bear looks like mine but I've also seen where it looks like a gund cubbi bear.
This has more pictures of mine. I wish there was a tag to help determine what it is
At some point in my life, when I wasn't looking, my mom threw away my, "Timmy" teddy bear. I was heartbroken. I loved him so much. Timmy slept with me every night, traveled everywhere with me, played with me and was always my best friend. I'm 67 now, born in 1951, and haven't forgotten him. With the help of the web, I found your teddy bear so I now know what Timmy was. I thought you might enjoy a picture of him when I must have been around 3 or 4 yrs. old. Also! because of you, I found an identical Timmy in wonderful condition that I just purchased :) Thank you!
I just found one like yours and and a off white one at a thrift store for $6.98 each. The off white one looks like the brown on im assuming they both worth the same amount.
That is a good price for a bear like this. I would buy both.
Ohh I did. I’m going to start looking for bears at thrift store on the regular now. Obviously they don’t know the value of some of these bears.