Posted 8 years ago
(155 items)
Hi all! This is a 7up cardboard 24 bottle case I got a couple of months ago. I believe it to be from 1965 & from my state of Michigan. It is in good shape. What is cool about this case is there is a 'turn style' type of indicator on the side with all the flavors available back then. The dealer would just turn the dial to indicate what was in the case. The inventor of 7up (Charles Griggs) invented Howdy orange drink first back in the late 20's early 30's. A great find to add to my 7up collection.
Thanx for lookin 7-3-17
That is so cool! Howdy I,ve never heard of Michigan Brand?
The indicator is so neat iggy.
Thanx :
Caperkid, not really a Michilgan brand, but bottled in Michigan is what I meant. All those brands were nationally distributed.
roddyq, I had to get it when I noticed the indicator wheel.
Thank you Thomas for the nice comment!
Must be the Holland, Mi, plant. Neat.
Great find and graphics.
Thanx SpiritBear, blunderbuss2 & Jlmam.
SpiritBear, I believe that also, but on the bottom it reads 'Union Bag-Camp Paper Corp." Monroe Michigan. I think that's where it was made and then sent to Holland plant. I have some 7up bottles from Holland Mi also.
I would agree. I'm not familiar with any West Michigan 7 Up plants beyond Holland.
Thanx Rick55!
Thanx officialfuel!
Thank You
Thanx SEAN68!
Just now seeing this, Totally cool case! Never seen a case like it that had multiple brands of soda on it and furthermore looks like a traditional case for beer rather than soda. Thanks for posting.
bottle-bud thanx. I just looked for one today on flee-bay and found one but in horrible condition. Besides that though never have seen one like this before either.
Thank you Newfld & Brunswick!
Thanx yougottahavestuff & Vynil33rpm!
Thanx clockerman!