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Button, Button, Who's got the Button?

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Recent Activity130 of 513Late 1800s Button CharmstringMy favourite fancy glass buttons
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (9 items)

    Ok, its official... I am totally overwhelmed here. Every time I open a box, there is something else I need to research. Perhaps I need to look into a person that comes in to take it all :{

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    Tiny antique french doll dress button blue passementerie fabric 1/4
    Tiny antique french doll dress butt...
    Vintage Antique Green/Silver Glass Buttons Unused 1 doz Doll Costume
    Vintage Antique Green/Silver Glass ...
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    Coach Vintage Brass Gold Plated Hor...
    Vintage Antique Amber Glass Butterfly Buttons 1 Doz
    Vintage Antique Amber Glass Butterf...
    Tiny antique french doll dress button blue passementerie fabric 1/4
    Tiny antique french doll dress butt...
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    1. racer4four racer4four, 8 years ago
      Buttons are a collectible on their own. I would find a button shop and pass them on; vintage buttons sell well.
    2. pebble pebble, 8 years ago
      It's a big job you've taken on! I know it seems overwhelming now, but once you start looking in to these things you will find yourself sucked in... After a while you'll have a much better idea of where to look to research your items, and people here are very helpful :)
      My Aunt used to have a jar of buttons that fascinated me. i used to play with it whenever I was round at her house, sorting them out into colours, sizes etc. Such a simple thing but it kept me amused for hours!
    3. BadPenny BadPenny, 8 years ago
      Thanks so much for the encouragement racer4four and pebble, thanks for the Loves as well y'all. Yes, I am sucked in... I need to walk away and go bead something :) trying to look at everything all at once is too much, i need to take smaller steps, and take time for me in between :D Thanks again, y'all are so sweet <3
    4. Miss_Ladybug Miss_Ladybug, 5 years ago
      I love them and I love researching anything buttons included ???????????? I'm such a geek! I see this post is from some the ago. How did you get on?
    5. Miss_Ladybug Miss_Ladybug, 5 years ago
      Not sure why it's put loads of question marks there!? I know buttons are included in my nerdery haha

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