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Jacksonville, Fl.

I collect Antique Glass and Agate Ball Waistcoat, Swirlback, Charmstring and Paperweight buttons. Digging into the history of these little beauties is an ongoing endI collect Antique Glass and Agate Ball Waistcoat, Swirlback, Charmstring and Paperweight buttons. Digging into the history of these little beauties is an ongoing endeavor. Always looking to learn and gather information. I collect marbles as well. The similarities between the old handmade German marbles(Mid to Late 1800's) and some of these buttons is remarkable. (Read more)


  1. Phil --- It is Lucite. Good eye!!!! I have several and they are heavy ---
  2. Very nice purchase. A nice lot with quite a few German Handmade marbles. There are some American Slags. Nice Fancy Bennington's and maybe a few Mica's on the end. Awesome find!!!!
  3. Thank you very much for your assistance. Very nice.
  4. The colors are amazing --- I love the Goldstone
  5. Very kind thoughts --- Thanks
  6. It is real Roseville. Nice console bowl.
  7. Stunning vase!!!!
  8. Nice find to say the least --- Nice Clambroth's on the end. Congrats!!!!
  9. The Roseville Jar and Ped pattern is Water Lilly - very nice
  10. Hi - Most of these are new - the cats-eyes might be a little older, but not 50's or 60's.
  11. Simply Stunning Collection
  12. Some people use old flower frogs as displays. Also you can Google "Grant Boards Marbles" and they are great. There are also a number of people online that make marble displays in a variety of styles. ...
  13. I appreciate the kind words --- Working on some lighting to brighten the colors --- They really shine in the bright morning sun!
  14. Wonderful Victorian glass
  15. Well "Thank You" very much -- Never would have found that info -
  16. Very cool info ----Thanks
  17. Mica is a mineral that flakes easily - Was used in German Handmade marbles - Mostly pre-1880. Thanks
  18. It seems to be called several things, but is still very pretty in glass. Marble collectors use Lutz, button collectors use Aventurine or Goldstone, Fluss, etc. I love how is flows in glass and brighte...
  19. Very very true --- Thanks
  20. I love these frogs. They work perfectly for these shanked buttons and line up nicely.
  21. Thanks!!!
  22. The Artisan that made them thanks you!!!!.... Splendid indeed .... well made and in colors you do not see often
  23. Thanks ---
  24. These are just very cool.....
  25. Thanks!!!! I have been collecting since the 80's. My first buttons were from a super nice lady in Brimfield in the early morning hours. Went looking for marbles, pottery and glass and ended up a butto...
  26. They do have that slag glass look with the wonderful hand gathered "nines"
  27. I can only imagine it was done to fill orders or just the whim of the glass artisan at the time. You do not see many with the "lateral" set up. The colors in these two buttons are just stunning...
  28. Thanks --- The Red ones are a "fav" of mine as well!!!!!!!!
  29. Thanks ... I started collecting marbles and my first buttons had pontil marks. I was hooked. I am convinced that the marble makers in the mid/late 1800's in Germany and that area also were involved in...
  30. Very cool idea ---
  31. Thanks for the comments ... They make a nice set and I imagine they would look cool on a Coat, etc. The red lines look like they were applied at making and several are very distinct/different. I h...
  32. I do not know of any specific factories, etc. These Scottish agates are just wonderful and you can finds them in some beautiful settings and boxes.
  33. These look so much like old German marbles --- nice workmanship/workladyship!!
  34. They are "Ball" shaped buttons used in Waistcoat's from the 1800's on. They can be glass, agate, metal, etc. I collect mainly glass and agate. They come in different forms(domed, flat, etc.), but are ...
  35. Thanks for viewing
  36. The Artisans on some of these were amazing - They were made in Germany/Czech Republic area mainly. Some were Italian and English. Thanks
  37. Thank you
  38. Thank you very much
  39. Thank you
  40. Thanks for the info --- I have bought quite a few on Etsy - Always nice people - I have spoken to two individuals in the Czech Republic who's families made some of these - one family worked marbles "a...
  41. Thanks so much ---
  42. Thanks so much....the info is great and useful. I love/need to learn as much as possible on these buttons.
  43. Thanks -- I do not ... I am working on having a few Waistcoats designed and made. My next project, so to speak. Would love to see pics of any Waistcoats or other uses. Thanks
  44. Thanks --- I have several sets of buttons that would be perfect for a Waistcoat. Have a great day!!! Eric
  45. Hi I collect these glass and agate ball buttons as well. I am interested in who you had to make your Waistcoat? I want to get a few done. Thanks Eric
  46. See more


posted 1 year ago