Posted 8 years ago
(1778 items)
Here's an item recently added to my collections via the incredible kindnesses of several friends who are members of another collector's forum I belong to -- who first saved the sign during an office building lighting upgrade someplace in Sweden then managed to get it transported to the USA, where it then passed thru a few more friends and places until finally landing on my doorstep. <cheers, applause>
This is a (symbolic man running towards door) EXIT light made by ACCENTA of Varnamo, Sweden. Their "typ 708-22', it originally had a small fluorescent light tube and ballast in it (and some kind of small battery backup device) that operated on 230v/50hz (incompatible with USA power) which were removed for lighter shipping, though the original sockets and wires are still in there. I have now added a short strip of LED's inside to light it up for display. Its front 'graphic panel' is made of plastic, and it also has a plastic diffusing panel inside its bottom to cast some light on the wall (or whatever) underneath the sign.
having seen so many of these and placed them in buildings, that I would class it has a collectable but hey why not. The pointing hand from the 1920s onwards in London underground train station is collectable so hey not! And to think I threw these away!
Thanks very much to Caperkid, buckethead, blunderbuss2, and fortapache for the loves -- and especially to GeodeGem for your comment! I have little doubt signs similar to this are indeed quite common all over Europe -- in fact, one of my bosses who has traveled abroad extensively recognized it immediately when I unpacked it, (at my workplace) while none of the rest of my co-workers (who haven't traveled so much) knew what it was at all until I explained it...? <lol> Nonetheless, it is most definitely a unique addition to my own collection, and I'm remaining grateful to all those who took part in the convoluted process which ultimately got it from Sweden to Arkansas, for me... :-) :-)
What a Useful "HINT" to hang when it is time for company to GO HOME! GREAT!!
I could use this sign to give me a heads up where to go after having a few PBR's!!!
Inside Joke!! Great postings!!