Posted 8 years ago
(813 items)
A couple vintage postcards circa 1960. I'll leave you to figure out what's going on in each.
What to me was most interesting is the address for Cooper's Photo: 13 and one half 4th Street South, Great Falls, Montana. It's that 13 and 1/2 that gets me.
Thank you, Brunswick. There were others, but they were so sexually themed that I wouldn't take them.
In high-school a teacher I had always played music before class. I walked in one day to a song called, Let's Do it In the Street. I could have died. LOL.
Thank you, Brunswick. My lizard is next to me, and he's enjoying his view of the world from my window. So we're well. You also have a great evening.
He may need that ice ;O
The Beatles had a popular song "Why don't we do it in the road" was that the song maybe?. Funny cards
Not sure why the iceman arrives when a refrigerator is in the background?
Wife knows but her Hubby should have asked that too ;p
Goes well with this:
LOL, funny music. The first man sounds like Popeye.