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Silver pocket watch case from 1907 with a new use!

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Pocket Watches331 of 1707N.E. W. Co. Ladies Pocket WatchLawrence & Mayo military watch
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (105 items)

    Spotted in the window of a local charity shop, with a low (£2!) price and attractive with the teeny tiny shells, which are only 4-5mm across, so I paid my money and took it home.
    Opened it up, and inside it was hallmarked "A.G.R." for Robert Pringle & Sons, also the acorn and leaves for Chester imported, and the date letter "G" for 1907/08.

    I might try to find a nice 13''' movement (only 1 1/2 inch case) and dial to fit inside, but honestly someone made a lovely job with those shells, so I may leave it as is.
    The "AGR" stands for the manager of Pringles, Arthur George Rendell.
    Why his name was used isn't known but maybe he was the one who registered it for the company.

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    1. tigerchips tigerchips, 8 years ago
      The English did a lot with shells back in the Victorian times when lot's of people use to go to the beach for their holidays. Nice find.
    2. TheDuchess TheDuchess, 8 years ago
      This is an adorable thing and what a price! Simply lovely
    3. bobbee bobbee, 8 years ago
      Thanks for the comments and the love people!
    4. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      A super find!
    5. Karenoke Karenoke, 8 years ago
      This is very nice as is. Great find!
      It caught my eye because my sis n law has taken to doing this sort of thing with the literal hundreds of watches my dad has collected over the years. And the wrist watches make very pretty bracelets.
    6. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
      Really charming, what a great find :-)
    7. bobbee bobbee, 8 years ago
      Thanks for all the comments and the loves folks!
    8. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 8 years ago
      Oh, this is so lovely! Great find.

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