Posted 8 years ago
(3 items)
I have many babies some are very old. Some are very beautiful. I dont really know what I have yet but im learning . I just wanted to share them with everyone. If anyone has some tips for me on finding out about some of my babies id love to here from you. Some Ive done full documents on but some are so old I cant find any information about them anywhere. Some were my great grandmothers they are beautiful. I can also take individual photos and pist them im so excited to learn more about them.
I have a beutiful collection of babies I want to know more about would love to here from anyone if you see one you might know about I can post more pics
You can post them one at time with 4 photos per post. I am sure there is a doll expert here.
Manikin is the local doll ezpert here, she is totally amazing, seems she can identify any doll, oretty much.
Hi after looking them over there a few that could be the best of the bunch . Please post the Barbie with red hair above the doll on bottom in purplish blue coat the one in the middle of that group . The doll in green dress with painted on headband and hair , the doll next to her in blue dress . The doll in purplish blue coat and also one in blue dress sitting in front of her . Such fun for you to get so many . they range in age from 1950's to 90's . Some are just fun to have but are not really of any great monetary value just sentimental value :-) I will wait for some individual photo's . Welcome to CW
Such a nice collection!!! Welcome to CWville!!
Thank you all so much. I am working on posts of the babies. I'm trying to find some these babies that Mrs. Making an has asked me to post. I sure appreciate every ones input on my babies.