Posted 8 years ago
(915 items)
Hello Followers, Visitors, Members and Friends from Collectors Weekly, 15-07-2017, 12:00 AM
Few day’s ago, I receive and email stating that my bank collection has past very quick, for a collector to claim having 600, humm, very funny email, when you put your email on collector weekly, you never know on witch hands this will land.
I just not want to be boring with that stuff, but anyway, I have nothing to prove to anyone.
Here is another one from my collection, very rare one, this shape(round corner) it’s not seeing often, it’s also the first model showing the W.F.Burns Address.
Serial A1802, Patented 1 January 1901
This steel bank is 4.50 inch long, 3.25 inch high by 2.25 deep
-----------------The Nashua Trust Company, Masonic temple.------------------
The Masonic Lodges laid the first stone of this building in September 1889. By 1891, construction was complete.
In 1900, The Nashua Trust Company moved in from the McQuesten building across the street. The signature clock has stayed all these years and is now sporting an advertisement for 'Villa Banca', a semiformal to formal Italian Restaurant. The miniature fence out front was especially created by Gate City Fence Co., Inc.
The old photograph was taken in the early 1900's. As you can see, the entrance was changed and the unique column was enclosed. The traffic light is interesting in this photo because at that time, a police officer had to change the light manually.
Another great bank and write up, I was going to ask what it's made of if you had not told us, It has a unusual look kind of like tiger eye or Bakelite Love it.
PoliticalPinbacks, they made of rivet steel, like small safe(5 lever lock), cover with some electroplated finish, this case is some kind of japanased swirl finish, they also could completely be Chrome, Copper or 2 colours like this example.
I will in a near future come with some posts for describing them in more elaborate statement.
Many thanks for the comment and appreciation, much appreciated you take some time to stop by.
This GREAT!! I love seeing all of your banks and your history is always so well written and always so very interesting!!
THANK YOU, Scott, for commenting and the appréciation, always a pleasure to see your enthusiasm on my post.
Many to stop by and your support.