Posted 8 years ago
(1 item)
I found this item at an estate sale and was so curious I had to buy it. My research has led me to believe it's an early 19th century Chinese hand carved ivory snuff bottle. If I am wrong please let me know. It did pass the hot pin test.
Plastic, so a new piece.
It passed the hot pin test so it's not plastic. I'm not sure you know what you are looking at. BTW it was originally purchased in Japan just after WW2.
The color and artificial aging don't look like ivory to me. Additionally, the detailing is weak.
My first thought would be plastic or resin as well.
Carved Natural Shoushan Stone, used to make snuffboxes--or another carved stone from china. Hard to tell with holding it for the weight. Not the right color for ivory. Very nice nontheless.
Correction "hard to tell withOUT holding it for the weight"
Yeah I don't know what I'm looking at, lol!
So, made of fishbone! Plenty material available!! Great to get a identificaion. Can also be used for perfume I've read.
Less than $20.
Looks like it is a little shy of WW2 vintage as the one provided through link is the SAME piece!
Good eye TubeAmp, as usual :-)
Your links give the absolute id of this post WW3!
Neptunis, some resins can pass the hot pin test, but there are other clues for identification of those "antique" Chinese pieces, as Scottvez pointed...
I understand you are deceived, but you got your mystery solved, welcome to CW :-)
Neptunis.rex.the69king, I just have to say, I've been here for approx. 4 years and can honestly say that Tube Amp has never been wrong. It's sad that some people on the internet sell in such a deceiving way so often and then on top of that, they get away with it. We've all been had, believe that.
Yep, Shareurpassion, you're so right! I got a resin too :
Yes you did kyra! That was a great and kind idea you had here, to show Neptuneis one of your "hads"! You are always so thoughtful ;)
In the far distant future probably collectors may be avidly buying resin! Stock up? Who knows!
We all learn from getting duped.
I joined this page because you people know stuff, lots of stuff about lots of things!!
And I'm so happy you do and that you share your knowledge with me.
I've been duped more times than I care to share, lol. I've bought wood that's not wood bone & stone that's not either. Life's a learning curve. It's a nice looking piece whatever :)
It seems Neptunis sank..... :-)