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Signed iridescent vase spiman pl243-750 1990 ?

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Art Glass6585 of 22787Is this Loetz?XL Abstract Style Mystery Art Glass Vase
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (195 items)

    Hi,Today I was a my local flea market and I bought this beautiful iridescent vase for only $1 it is signed and numbered and dated but I can't read the signature so I'm hoping someone knows or can read although it hard to read any info also would be nice thank for reading.

    Mystery Solved
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    1. swfinluv1 swfinluv1, 8 years ago
      Nice score! It's Stuart Abelman.
    2. swfinluv1 swfinluv1, 8 years ago
      Here's some info:
    3. Tangoes Tangoes, 8 years ago
      Yay,Stuart Abelman Mystery solved Thank you " swfinluv1"
    4. swfinluv1 swfinluv1, 8 years ago
      You're welcome!
    5. Gillian, 7 years ago
      The shape of this item is more akin to that of a perfume bottle. If you look just inside the opening you can see the ground glass finish, which would hold a ground glass stopper. Also looking through his other work, the vases seem to have a different shape than this. How tall is it?

      Anyway, it's a beautiful bottle whatever it is. Just lovely.

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