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1960s-70s cause buttons

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PoliticalPin…'s loves48 of 1022C. 1925 Floor Lamp Far Out!  Lava Lamps!
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (367 items)

    Pushing the edges of "Mid-Century", a small collection of 1960s-70s vintage "cause" buttons - the remnants of a larger collection sold a few years ago. :+)

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    1. PoliticalPinbacks PoliticalPinbacks, 8 years ago
      Right up my alley so you know what I think... LOVE IT ;D The "No More Napalm" is a good one and the oval "Love and Peace" I've seen do very well at auction, you have a lot of good one still wish I had seen your entire collection, Oh the yellow with red scribble and a peace sign is how mine looks however ya wouldn't know it as the yellow didn't show up on my scan ;( - " nation on fire" Watts, Chicago Detroit... Burn Baby Burn, I could go on and on lol

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