Posted 8 years ago
(813 items)
A lovely and cheap thrift-store find when I told them it didn't work. I even took a new bulb out of a package to show that.
Upon getting it home, I took apart the mechanism a little ways, removed a large dead moth from inside the knob mechanism (as for how it got there...?) and reattached everything.
Inserting a lightbulb and plugging it in (fire extinguisher ready, as some of you know my electrical luck-- John, you keep hush. LOL), I turned it on....
It worked! And it didn't shock me when I touched the socket!
The lamp was made by Mutual Sunset Lamp Co., (M. S. L. C.) circa 1925. The Paulding socket has many 1920s and 1930s references. The plug and cord are typical of the period.
As such, this gilded brass torchiere floor-lamp has some decent age.
It came with a diffuser-- which I found ugly, so I threw a shade over it till I find the correct type of shade.
I am very happy with it, as it produced a soft glow without giving the bright light that I hate.
Nice old lamp! The open top glass 'diffuser lens' (still on it in 2nd pic?) would have been original, then a separate wire-framed more conventional "decorative lamp shade" would have sat on top of that, covering it. If yours still has its cloth covered cord (looks like it?) I'd guess it dates from the 1940's. :-)
OH, and GREAT JOB on fixing its switch without "making smoke"?!! <lol>
These are not difficult to rewire. It is a good idea to rewire the lamp even though it seems to work properly. 'Nuff said. I hope you don't mind the tip.
Yep, Anything Obscure, I've done my research and would put the lamp back a decade.
Lisa-Lighting, thank you, but the cord is damaged only by the plug-head, and that is only the outter layer. I find them safe when in good shape.
Take the plug off, cut it back & hook the wires back.
Lisa's suggestion is likely a good one if you intend to keep the lamp 'in use'. Under the outer cloth covering of the cord, each inner wire will also be wrapped with its own cloth covering, between THAT and the copper wires themselves will be a layer of rubber (-ish something) and that's the part with the potential hazard. The 'rubber stuff' can get crispy crunchy if it isn't already, even just at certain spots along the length of the cord, and despite that the outer cloth coatings will remain flexible and looking in great shape.
With a cord that carries 120VAC wall current, there is a real hazard in continuing to use such old wires, in that any odd bend/pinch/twist/yada yada may randomly cause failure inside (at the time of said bend/twist or not) creating "sparks/smoke"...
Looks great, the room looks better too ;p I didn't even bring up having 911 at the ready but "sparks/smoke" hint hint ;D MIGHT be safe, It would be nice if someone made a cloth covered cord that's new, safe and looks old, Wonder if they make such things?
You can buy cloth covered wire for old phones. Why not others?
Yes they do make lamp wire and even plugs that look like the lovely stuff that was used 1910. Most Lamp supply places carry it.
Good, we can be safe and keep the look, Can ya tell I haven't re-wired anything in 30 years lol
Great lamp SpiritBear!! I love old floor lamps. The bases of the older ones are nice and heavy. The newer ones, I see, are far to light weight and tip over easily. Nice find!!
an old restorer once joked that all electrical items run on smoke....if the item works and none of the smoke escapes, its working properly.
Thanks, all for your concerns and comments, but I've never had issues with fabric-wrapped cords and will keep this as it is unless it lets the smoke out. Lol.
John, didn't I tell you to hush?:p
Bryan, I like his saying.
Jscott, it's quite weighty as it's all brass!
It looks pretty good with that shade! I've got 2 lamps that need to be put back together...I'll send them! jk I know what the problem is, the cords are too thick. I've also got one that shocks me but don't know why. It's obviously not plugged in, otherwise I might need your fire extinguisher ;)
Just saw Lisa-lightings comment! Great to know, thx!
Love it! Nice room also!
Shareurpassion, it may have been wired improperly. Watch a few YouTube videos and buy some fabric-wrapped cord from the Old Wiring Shoppe on e-Bay.
VintageLamp, thank you.