Posted 8 years ago
(813 items)
The Michigan Agricultural College later became Michigan State University.
Here is a 1913 welcome-to-our-college sort of poster from the juniors to the freshman. How nice people were back in the day! Don't you wish you could get back to the good ol' days? :)
Bad pics from my new cellular 'phone.
It's not mine and I'm not sure it's ever gonna sell cuz I can't see anyone spending $225 for it!
That is rather harsh hazing.
Yep, I'd have to agree about the incredibly harsh hazing. Interesting poster though.
Looks like it was a fun time! Sorry I missed it! }:^[ >
Crazy one SpiritBear! Good post! :^)
Fort apache, it is rather macabre.
jscott0363, hopefully they didn't really enact it!
MacDaddyRio, worse goes on in public schools even today.
Billretirecoll, lol. Depends on what side you're on!
Somehow I don't think the poster would fly today but the students would like it, 1913 the year my Dad was born ;D
Political Pinbacks, lol. It's cute in a disturbing way. I'm sure he had less harsh posters in his school. ????
Freshman were shaking in their boots LOL :)