Posted 8 years ago
(23 items)
I acquired this vase back in November not knowing who made it. Loetz was ruled out right away, but that is as far as I got. I have been leaning towards Heckert without any proof. I am posting it now because of the Heckert vase I have that glasfreund identified last month. I had no idea it was Heckert. It reminds me of a combination of that red vase and the marmopal vases. Not very good grounds for an attribution, but it is all that I have at the moment. It is a clear glass ground with mica flecks in it. Then the clear red and opaque white shards are placed on that. The mica flecks can be seen through the red and also where there are no shards covering the ground. Lastly the iridized papillon type spots are over everything. I did not take a picture of the bottom, but it has a ground and polished pontil. It really stands out in my overcrowded case. I have not seen anything like it on the internet,so if anyone has any ideas I would appreciate an opinion.
Love this...beautiful little vase!!
Hi you need to put a photo of the base on it helps when trying to work out who etc..
interesting piece
Absolutely love it!
Gorgeous all the colors !!
absolutely fantastic, but as Ozmarty said photo of the base would be very helpful for id
Beautiful !!
stunning piece of glass its a corker jimtim thanks for sharing
14th june 2018 year