Posted 8 years ago
(191 items)
I've searched for hours and hours to see if whether the mark 'PMS' can be tracked back to a maker and see many, many inquries about the same mark - going all the way back to jewelry known to come from as early as this one would be (not super early, just would have been bought roughly around 1920 to 1925.
As you can see, the ring is very simple...unlike anything fancy I've posted recently, but it belonged to my grandfather which is more important to me than anything.
It is stamped 14K, I think. I really wish I know the 'maker'. Looks like going back as far as about 2006, people have tried to figure it out via online research. I searched not only America, but also all the other countries I knew that my Grandfather traveled to (or was from) - Austria, Italy, England, etc.
How special for you to have this Karen :-)
How frustrating it is to not be able to find the maker!!
Keep looking on line every once in a while and it may turn up out of the blue!
It has happened for me before with some unknown pieces:-)
That's happened to me too, way more than I'd like to think! You'll find it when the time is right ;)
lol....i was about to pull my hair out when I was searching...I mistakenly thought "OK, how hard can this be?"
Thank you both for your kind comments....and I believe you both. I'll come across it one day out of the blue probably ;)
Thanks to TassieDevil, shareurpassion and fortapache for taking the time to look and "love"!
Have a look at these links which may solve your mystery
Wow...I'm stumped now as this was stored with my grandparent's fine jewerly in a safe deposit box for DECADES and my Mother had tagged everything (BEFORE dementia) as she was an incredible 'chronicler' and made sure the millions of photos ever possessed by the family, including ones in 1900, 1901, 1902, etc. were clearly identified...I don't know what to think.
Couple that with the fact that my grandparents married young so wedding rings would have been purchased in the 20's....AND MY own parents were married in 1950 - so both of them would have been WAY before 1963. I was not even born then.
The only thing that leaves me with if this is the origin of the mark is either my grandfather lost his ring and it was replaced or he never had one originally and one was purchased later? I'll have to see if any significant anniversaries occurred around this time period.
Wow, I don't even know what to say now..