Posted 8 years ago
(40 items)
O.k., folks- I was just softening you all up with my mystery photo of the (alleged) "lighthouse keeper"/"Steamboat captain"/"birdwatcher" with the binoculars, because I didn't want you all to freak out completely trying to figure out what the HECK is depicted in THIS antique mounted photo!
Is it an early 1900's patriotic dog-loving cross-dresser?
We report, you decide....; - )
P.S. it measures about 8 1/2 x 4 1/2 inches, and the back is blank (but of course...).
Thanks for looking!
Could have been done for humourous effect or a parody on Lady Liberty.
At first I thought so too, SpiritBear, but he/she does NOT have a "happy" expression on his/her face at all....
Maybe lost a bet and being photographed like this was the penalty....?
Maybe a sicko college fraternity initiation...?
They never look happy in old photos. LOL.
Got a new batch Bobby & will take one on a test drive tomorrow & see if this becomes clearer to me. LOL ! Is that a coonskin cap or just an exceptionally bad hair day ? That may be why she doesn't look happy. Maybe the coon is still in there some place !
It must have been from a skit or something, but that is a man for sure! :^)
Oh...I totally love bizarre mystery photos like got a masterpiece here!! I can see this as a frat initiation prank too.
Billret, you've never seen a girl with full eyebrows & hairy arms ? Never been in some places I've been in then ! LOL ! Maybe the captain/bird watcher/postal clerk's son on his day off. Don't think we can date if by the hair style.
Thanks for your input folks!
I think that wig and getup is SO gnarly that even the DOG is ashamed to be in the same picture..!!
Perhaps the world's cruelest fraternity hazing prank?
Or did the guy welch on a BIG bet and his bookie gave him a choice between being photographed like this or having his arms broken?
(I would have chosen the broken arms, but that's just me...)
This photo is so much fun!!
Hyp-storian, Looks like He, She or It photo shopped the body on this one! Pretty Good and another Post with humor. Thank You
There were a lot of cross dresser postcards that I have seen men used instead of a pretty lady, have one in my collection, although "she" had a smile. Possibly in the old west, ladies were a rare commodity !
Lady Liberty, early photo. No photo shopped body here.
"Possibly in the old west, ladies were a rare commodity !"
Yep I've seen plenty bb2, but most don't have "Adam's Apples", and even without, I still wondered! :^)
The Adam's Apple was a sure givaway! Such a great and humorous photo!