Posted 8 years ago
(102 items)
These were face down in a wooden box I purchased Saturday evening from the auction that's way too close to my home. I'm sure many of you know what I mean by too close to my home? Anywho.....I think these may be special? What I think is the artist name at the top of both of them is Sean-Loup, and i think it is Seiff Sean-Loup?
So please help identify these, as I'm trying to decide if I'm keeping them or not? I find them to be very cool, and interesting for sure!
Thanks CW gang!
Thanks for stopping by with love.....
Much appreciated!
Love these cards, very unusual !
That's what I think Phil. But I was really hoping someone knew something about them.
Did you notice the name on them? I've tried to find anything about him doing this kind of stuff but come up empty. But boy did he take some risqué photos!
Thanks for looking and loving!
Thos are so cool!
Thanks PostcardCollector!
I was hoping you may have some info on these?