Posted 8 years ago
(177 items)
I found this little treasure in a shop called Funky Junk in Groveland, CA. I love little pieces of the past and that works for me bc I don't have space for big pieces! Hope all are enjoying their summer and finding lots of treasures! mary
This is such a GREAT little find!! I've actually never seen one like this. I love finding treasures such as this.
Thank you jscott! I went to see the Sequoias and mountains of CA and found it to be even more spectacular than I'd ever imagined! Of course, I had to make time to step into a couple of my kind of shops. I found a shop with awesome handmade clothing made to replicate the Civil War period along with hats and many other items. I found a couple of great antique stores. I think my favorite was Funky Junk where I got this tiny needle case. 1. she had such a variety of stuff. 2. She was sucxh an upbeat and friendly woman. 3. she entertained us with her talking bird while we shopped!
thanks to Caperkid, blunderbuss2, vetraio50,Manikin, PoliticalPinbacks, fortapache, TassieDevil, mikelv85, racer4four, Karenoke, aura, nutsabotas6. I appreciate all of you! mary
thanks for the love, Brunswick. Today I could not stop thinking about the two needle cases and needles I left in the I contacted the owner and they are on their way. I'll post when they arrive. One is wood and the other, metal. Both hold sets of needles rather than just one.