Posted 8 years ago
(593 items)
This is a small part of our collection of Bears. The largest is 11"tall, and plaster/chalk ware, and the smallest is 1 1/4" tall and pewter. The other materials they are made of is, wood, cloth, plastic, rubber, pot metal, brass, bone/ivory, pottery, resin, and paper!
That's all folks! :^D
Thanks for looking in on these Bears! :^)
What a great collection Bill especially that really large one! :-)
Thanks Judy, I really like that mother and cub too, it's been on top of our bookshelf, for years, and my wife said she never saw it, I think I look at it every day, a difference in height, I guess! :^D
Thank you for looking at our Bear collection, and loving them too,
and Thomas,
it's so nice to get, from all of you! :^)
It's funny, I just grabbed these 12 bears, and it just happened that they were made of 12 different things! 1-paper(bear photo envelope), 2-wood(standing bear), 3-bone/ivory(small white bear), 4-rubber(blue bear, 5-resin(playing black bears), 6-plastic(walking brown bear), 7-plaster/chalk ware(large mother and cub bears), 8-pottery(gold bear), 9-pewter(three little bears), 10-brass(playing bears), 11-pot metal/spelter(bear on rock), and 12-cloth(I heart California Beanie Babies bear).
I just thought that would be fun to know! :^)
Thanks to you both Kevin and SpiritBear, for checkin out the Bears, and lovin um! Always appreciated! :^)
Some great bears, Bill, but my fave is the blue rubber one, mainly because it caught my eye immediately and made me laugh :))
Thanks Karen, that's Bluey Tooy, he was in an earlier post also, and was my favorite Bear in the 1950's. He got his name from his mother, a blue and white stuffed Bear, that was my younger sister's, called Blue Bear, and Bluey Tooy's father was my stuffed brown Bear, called(you guessed it), Brown Bear. Bluey Tooy is up on a bookshelf, in our front room, and he makes me laugh too! :^D Not bad for a little blue rubber Bear, that's close to 70years old, he was originally, one of my older sister's, that was passed down to me when she got a new large doll! :^)
This was Bluey Tooys debut, post here:
Just in case you didn't see him before! :^)
Ooh bears..they're wonderful!
Thanks Vintagefran, yes they are! Thank you for the love too! :^)
Nice bunch of Bear's there (what is a group of bears called?) somehow not surprised Spirit Bear was here ;D
Thanks PPb,
I think it's a sloth of bears, but I don't think that has anything to do with SpiritBear! :^D
Thank you for the love too! :^)
Thank you for taking some time to look at, and love this post Laura! :^)
Thank you so much Essince, for Your nice comment, and You are very welcome! :^D
Thanks for the love that You gave too! :^D
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