Posted 8 years ago
(1 item)
Hi there, I have been given this doll from my father who said it was his fathers mothers when she was a child. If that's right it would make this doll from somewhere in the mid to late 1800's. I can't find any date or stamp on the doll. It has a porcelain head, arms and legs that are sewn on. If I could get any info on this doll that would be great... Thanks so much!!!
Reproduction doll made in a doll making classes in 1980s-90s . It is a copy of a doll called " Bye Lo " by Grace Storey Putnam (1877-1947) These were made of bisque and composition through the years . Yours is not one of her's made in Germany and later some made in USA . Molds were made of antique doll heads and then sold to ceramic studio's where you could buy a blank and paint it and they would fire it . At the time antique dolls were selling very high but since have fallen in price and a antique Bye-Lo is now very affordable . Some Asian companies have reproduced the doll also but leave the name off doll since they are technically copying a doll but in very low quality . A antique doll has much different look to bisque and painting and when buying dolls you need to see hundreds of true antique dolls vs reproductions to know difference or buy from a reputable dealer .
If it belonged to your grandmother the market for these reproduction dolls in 1970-90's were women 50 yrs old and older . So she bought it new .