Posted 8 years ago
(1017 items)
Hi, All! These formerly FILTHY silver shoe buckles were bought today from a local thrift shop for 1 Euro ($1.19). They looked like pewter and I think that is what the thrift shop personnel thought, so tossed them in a small box in the display case! I found the sword mark....This Dutch silver sword mark dates these buckles to between 1814-1904. I think they are early Georgian period. My hopes of finding out the name of the silversmith/company, however, are pretty much ZERO.
Thanks for stopping!
They cleaned up really nice :)
What a great find Bonnie! Could be $$$! :^D
Good job! :^)
So old too Bonnie. These sort of objects always make me wonder whose shoes they adorned, where they went, what events they attended. So cool.
You are an amazing hunter!
What an amazing find.