Posted 14 years ago
(1 item)
This is extremely heavy cast brass or bronze I believe. It measures approximately 22"x15"x21" and is extremely and is in pretty good shape. A table top was mounted on top at some point. Some of the Angels are different and are in different stances. It appears at some point there might have been class in the openings...can't be sure on that. Unsure of anything else.
BTW. I have two of them too. Some of the Angels are different and are in different stances....
Here is a link to some additional views
Please help me identify it?
Your piece reminds me of similar items I used to see in Catholic churches back home in Malta. Usually there is a Saint's relic & all those open spaces are encased in glass. I will try to do some more research & will get back to you.
Thanks MaltaMary. That was one of my thoughts as well. Although no crosses or other religious iconography, there is a flame on the top center. Also initials engraved on each as shown in the image.
I looked at the additional photos you posted at: In your 5th photo I was able to make out the initials M & A intertwined with what looks like 2 palm leaves on either side. I believe the M & A is Latin & are the initials MATER AMATA which means BELOVED MOTHER referring to Mary the Mother of Jesus. It is possible that your item held a statue of the Virgin Mary. Where did you acquire such a beautiful treasure?
I acquired two of those items, a large candelabra with one cherub and a small gold toned shelving unit in Brighton, Massachusetts.
I would love to learn more about these items though. ie. age, value, and history. They are super interesting.
I agree with Maltamary. They seem to be reliquary. Do you know what church they came from in Brighton?
If you google "reliquary" you can find several church supply houses that cary them.
Thanks Sayochina1. I knew the word but I drew a blank while I was typing my post. I cannot imagine any church getting rid of such an item. I too am curious as to what church it actually came from.
I wish I knew too. At least I know what they are now. I just have to determine the value and a way to dispose of them. If my wife knew they had parts of dead bodies in them......
Looks more like a display case from a cathedral or funeral home.