Posted 8 years ago
(236 items)
I'm going to do a series of posts about decors we are familiar with and show the fringes (or the edges) of what we think that decor includes.
I did this years ago with tango glass. We think of Tango as being a solid cased color glass with black or blue trim (accents). Then I was able to gather loads of pics that do not follow the rule- 3-tone tango, one color tango, tango with colored transparents and opaque accents etc..... Basically I like to make a rule then break it (a very Gen X thing to do).
The pattern is Giraffe (a powder decor). It is usually a thicker caramel base with maroon powder that has been crackled (like cracked dry mud). it is 99% flashed with a mirror finish. Rarely the the decor is not flashed at all. It also comes in green, blue, even celery green transparent? these are even more "fringe" than those so they need a little more study.
Remember creating this decor is easy- If you take any two colors in a glass ball and you dip them in water you will get the crackling effect- If you blow the ball of glass a little bigger the pattern expands and you see the underlying color. All these examples were made around 1930 but only the last one is for sure Kralik.
1. Translucent base glass with brown crackled pattern and a colored transparent casing color
2. Orange and maroon powders with the whit base showing through
3. Aqua green with maroon krackle and a white base color
4. Marquetry with an opaque orange base and a brown crackle
I almost get one few months back, I love this decor.