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PostCardColl…'s loves139 of 1390Ornate Handbag with Emeralds, Embroidery, GoldAlice Caviness Brooch and Earrings
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (902 items)

    This was another paperweight in the group that I bought not too long ago. It is in the shape of a heart and is marked Santin and dated. I am not familiar with this maker.

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    1. Deano Deano, 7 years ago
      Super cool. Not sure what it is either. Good luck.
    2. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 7 years ago
      Deano, thanks so much.
    3. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 7 years ago
      I could get lost in that beauty
    4. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 7 years ago
      Postcardcollector, yes, it is very pretty. It is very well made even though I do not know anything about the maker

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