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Wilhelm Kralik Söhne Cameo Glass vase, signed "D'Aurys", ca. 1920s

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welzebub's loves1321 of 3067Dom Crown Craft Glass vaseKralik pebbles and diamonds - a confetti decor on the fringe
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (649 items)

    Loetz was not the only company outside of France to capitalize on the high demand for cameo glass during the 1920s. Kralik got into the act also, producing some cameo under its own name, signed "Kralik" or sometimes "de Kralik". They also produced glass for other customers with names made to order - names like "Soleil", "Beauté", and in this case, "D'Aurys". Three different colors of glass were used on this vase, which is rather large in size - 12" high and about 5" wide. It isn't as spectacular as an original Gallé, but it definitely has its place in a discussion about the mass market for cameo glass in the 1920s.

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    1. Project_Harrach Project_Harrach, 7 years ago
      Warren nice find and thanks for posting this. I know I've read of these AKA signatures on Kralik cameo glass, but not sure if I've seen one come up in the wild (I should, I usually keep an eye on came o glass as I collect it). I would say the work appears to be a bit better quality then 98% of the Richard cameo glass we see.
    2. Rick55 Rick55, 7 years ago
      Beautiful vase Warren… I never knew Kralik made cameos...

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