Posted 7 years ago
(2 items)
I bought this at a small farm (yard sale). The owner (in his 70's or older) said it was included in a bunch of tools that his uncle gave him, and that it had been used on his farm. He didn't know what it was...nobody seemed to.
It's iron and about 7 inches long.
Looks like some sort of "brush"? Scrubber?
Hoping someone can identify...
Antique, Cast Iron Fish Scaler,+cast+iron,+fish+scaler+patent&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS760US760&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwitgLSOxdrWAhUFwWMKHbihAAUQsAQIJw&biw=1093&bih=510#imgrc=ys6i5orHI-rABM:
Perfect, thank you lzenglish. I never would have thought of that...
Your Welcome!
Just one more thing Taughannock: What say we start a new trend around here, that really is an old rule of thumb, which is this: If You feel that we at CW Helped You, and Satisfied your request for an answer to your Mystery, PLEASE "Mark It As Solved", before you run off. Thank You, and hope to see you again!