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Czechoslovakian spatter jack-in-pulpit

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LOUMANAL's loves417 of 1791Welz Spatter Glass VaseDoulton Lambeth Aesthetic Movement Teaset by Mark V. Marshall, silver mounts by Hukin & Heath
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (367 items)

    A single-stem jack-in-pulpit style bud vase with red, orange, yellow, and cobalt blue frit in a clear ground. Vase stands 7 3/4" (22.2 cm) tall and has a 2 3/4" (7 cm) diameter base. The underside has a ground pontil mark and an acid-stamped export mark that indicates 1920-30s interwar production.

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    1. artfoot artfoot, 7 years ago
      Thank you IronLace - when I see your picture I always imagine you are holding a Fosters instead of a phone. Have a good day.
    2. artfoot artfoot, 7 years ago
      Thank you Peggy!
    3. vetraio50 vetraio50, 7 years ago
      NICE ONE !!!
    4. artfoot artfoot, 7 years ago
      Thanks everyone for the loves.

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