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Texas Amarillo Panhandle..

Eating beef will keep you strong and provide good protean to stay health ...just saying


  1. nice hash bowl ...
  2. thanks all again to the new hits on my page..stay safe..
  3. cute..............
  4. thanks all ...
  5. I love B J ....That’s a funny story .. my ½ brother lives in Canada and the first time I went up to see him he want to go out and have a drink, I said sure so off we went ,,,me thinking were going to ...
  6. Ain't that sweet ....Yup....
  7. nice lights ..nice place .... whens the next poker game ... '-))
  8. some one shoot him in the head ....hmmm cool old picture
  9. lol wont be long he'll be moving in ..cute little bugger...taste good too ...smiling ..later bud ,be safe .. this might help you through the lock down..'-) ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqZceAQS...
  10. bill lol...Nice Jack-in-the-Pulpit Glass Vase "Jack" Watchsearcher...Ya i get that way from to much apple juice ...smiling and the rest of you thank you very kindly ...be safe ..
  11. thanks all for the loves ...fortapache, ya the only time they give you a pass is when you have a bucket of slop for them ....lol...Bill I can tell your a child of the 60's lol thanks pal....trey bet ...
  12. nice group your hanging out with bill..'-))....I'll take a few to post a thing I found on a old dirt road ..smiling
  13. sweet ..
  14. https://www.ebay.com/itm/LOTI-LAGUNA-PUEBLO-1914-Karl-E-Moon-Restoration-Fine-Art-Photograph/283445677501?hash=item41feadcdbd:m:moFENfa6XlPNMIiGFPJKGsA
  15. to bad they took it down..
  16. keep a tune going its almost over .. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1F0lBnsnkE&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR2Mx51oa1T_dLtIWAB0ulkJ2MsNj5I2Fs2TnKHZ9rRulGohEr-c8OeOWc0
  17. thanks racer4...............
  18. vetraio50 ...thanks,.. be safe ..
  19. look at the beer gut on her ,,...must be hitting the ale ....smiling ... nice picture
  20. that was a long time ago ...leaving earth that is ....lol cool find
  21. thanks all ..and jenni it steel ...'-))
  22. very cool find ...
  23. boom boom ...lol
  24. always had one in my tool boxes when playing machinist , small one that is ......nice find ...did you try alcohol....paint thinner...?
  25. well done Lata....
  26. wow bet that's rare and hard to find...
  27. the 2nd picture looks like a art museum I saw in a movie...or was I on something ...lol nope I think it......is. some cool pic's
  28. U bet....
  29. ahhh the bev ... cool post .. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x41q6ne
  30. https://www.google.com/search?q=polish+p+64+service+pistol+for+sale&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=23JGnrVRpzeOiM%253A%252CtYMIK-iz312LRM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kRMCo_D6fOYx6coZwZ3QeVKzNr3yg&sa=X&ved=2ah...
  31. I really like the eyes in this ,.. the dullness of his eyes fit the age of him unlike someone younger with the spark in them and bright white's ...well done .
  32. hard to find one not all chip to heck....
  33. this is a cocker ....as they say here ..
  34. looks like Mt. Fuji.... https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=VYWTXsqwOKXH_QbThriAAw&q=large+mountain+in+japan&oq=large+mtn+in+japan&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQARgAMgQIABANMgYIABAWEB46BQgAEIMBOgIIADoECA...
  35. Ps ...its not a print ...its a oil painting or pressing
  36. thanks for your time ...keramikos,
  37. thanks all............. H E
  38. thanks all ,,, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNjxDJzpRbE&fbclid=IwAR2cTrwiw1f7Pn2XamlAebEWXXwiLpWVHh9Qulh2LX_M2YVYFat7npDmLdM
  39. So you have no fishing pole's on that Island ...hmmmmmmm just empty beer cans floating about huh ....lol night raid on the guy next door goat will get you by '-)) I find I like it if you add fat an...
  40. cat bat flower,. wait till I tell batman ,...lol cool pic's
  41. google pattern date for it ..lol
  42. I have one similar but a bit fancy er ...its a NICHOLS AND STONE WINDSOR ROCKING CHAIR... ...did you look around here? https://www.google.com/search?q=Nickel+and+Stones+rocking+chair&tbm=isch&sour...
  43. very nice..
  44. thanks MALKEY stay safe ..
  45. looks good ...
  46. thanks fort and aura...
  47. See more


Oil Painting ..40/75 Bronze Dancer Polish P-64 service pistol


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