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Kralik Powder Striped Ball Vase

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Bohemian Art Glass1885 of 6681Bohemian Czech Baluster Vase Red Pulls and Aventurine Art deco Kralik Czech glass vase?
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (210 items)

    Interestingly this vase was sold to me as Welz, which I assume was because of the vertical stripe. But actually this is Kralik and I think this is something of a rare décor on a known Kralik shape (I know this as I have a bambus in this exact same shape). The décor appears to be, what I can only describe as cased with a crimson stripe on orange powder. A simple but actually very beautiful vase.
    Stands 18.5cm (7.3").

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    1. Glasstronaut Glasstronaut, 7 years ago
      Wow! Love everything about this vase..... Great shape, color, pattern. Another amazing score!
    2. racer4four racer4four, 7 years ago
      Wow!! So cool.
    3. IanBrighton IanBrighton, 7 years ago
      Very desirable! As are most of your posts! :-)
    4. jericho jericho, 7 years ago
      great- some decors are even better on a shape you can recognize... I've gotten it wrong before when the shape was obscure and this pattern clearly resembles Welz
    5. philmac51 philmac51, 7 years ago
      Thanks Glasstro, Tino and Karen for your comments
      Thanks Ian - very kind of you to say so.
      And yes, Jericho, always very satisfying to get a unknown decor on a known shape - very satisfying for the trainspotter in me - big tick!!!
    6. Rick55 Rick55, 7 years ago
      I love the beehive look Phil! A beauty :)

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