Posted 7 years ago
(43 items)
This is another tool I picked up from an elderly friend of mine. He has quite an accumulation of tools we are cleaning out and I can't always remember what he said about each one as we go through them. Any help with this tool's identity will be appreciated. Thanks again to all you great folks!
What are the dimensions? Any marks or numbers on it? What is it made from, ie. aluminum, etc? Can you show other angles of it, in the other 3 pictures you are allowed?
Need more photos
Thanks guys. I will check it out tomorrow and get some more photos. I happen to see this photo on my phone and posted it today.
It's a grinder attachment for a bench grinder. It attaches where the standard tool rest does. You can clamp a straight blade in it and turn the knob to move the blade across the wheel. Works good for plane blades. Mine came with a used Craftsman 6" grinder I bought but I don't know if it is a Craftsman. Mine has no numbers or letters and is aluminum. I wish I figured this out before. It's a picture of your tool. Thanks for posting
What do you think NickM?
Thanks, and sorry for the delay in replying. I had time today to take a few more pics and now I see your reply! . It sounds like a useful tool to handgon to. I have an old grinder and will keep it around just in case. Thanks for the info, this site is great for this stuff. Lately I have acquired lots of different items and some of them I just can't remember what the previous owner said about them.
No worry's. I just really like the banter! And you are right, this is a great site