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Loetz Thea Ausführung 227 Federn, PN unknown, ca. 1925

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Bohemian Art Glass1858 of 6681Czechoslovakia in-mold relief markAnton Ruckl 1930's vase
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (649 items)

    This decor was part of a brief revival of old techniques at the Loetz factory in the early to mid 1920s. Although the shapes are updated and owing to designs by Otto Prutscher, the colors and techniques used hearken back to the Phänomen period of the early 1900s. The ground is Thea, a pale yellow opal color that (in this case) glows bright green under black light. The "federn", or feathers, are made of dark blue and silver threads that are more three dimensional (raised off the surface) than their earlier cousins. The decor, and a vase in a very similar (but wider) shape were exhibited at the International Exhibition in Paris in 1925. This vase is about 8.25" tall.

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    1. SteveS SteveS, 7 years ago
      Very nice ... Has to be a Refractive or Birefractive iridescent thread they used for these ... produces a visual 3D depth effect rather tha a raised surface ... another of my favourites from Passau ... :-)
    2. SteveS SteveS, 7 years ago
      ... holograms from the 1920’s ...
    3. Project_Harrach Project_Harrach, 7 years ago
      That's a stunner Warren, glad you were able to acquire it.
    4. jericho jericho, 7 years ago
      fantastic piece and its on my favorite ground color

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