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Buck 382^, Stag handle, 3 1/2 in long

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Pocket Knives213 of 683United silver folding knife UC674 PAT: 33128Vintage knife
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (1 item)

    It has a gold plaque on the side with a picture of a knife and and hammer on it. I can't find out what the hammer and knife mean. Does anyone know? I'm giving this to my brother for his collection for Christmas. I think the ^ upwards arrow beside the 382 means it was made in 2008? Thanks for you help!

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    1. lzenglish lzenglish, 7 years ago
      If you expand the trademark, and look close, you will see one more element, which is a steel bolt. Back in the day, Al Buck, (the son of the buck knife founder, Hoyt Buck) decided to showcase the use of the 440-C steel the 300 series blades were made from. He said the blades were so strong, you could cut thru a steel bolt, and designed this logo to depict that, hence the knife/bolt/hammer logo.
    2. Gramby52, 7 years ago
      Thank you Izenglish! Am I correct about the date being 2008 bc of the upwards arrow beside the 382? Thank you again
    3. lzenglish lzenglish, 7 years ago
      Your Welcome "Gramby52"! I do not know the actual date your knife, (or series of it), was made. I'm sure you can find that information on the Buck Knife web site though. Good Luck, and let us know what you find out.
    4. Gramby52, 7 years ago
      Thank you. Bucks chart, as I read it, said it was from 2008. But Bucks couldn't answer the hammer/knife question on their site. Thank you so much. It will be nice to have the info when I give the knife as a gift.

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