Posted 7 years ago
(943 items)
While my wife and I were traveling a back road in Oregon last year she suddenly called to me to stop and turn around. As I was looking for a place to do the U turn she explained that she had spotted some cool signs and gas pumps that I hadn't seen. Of course we already had a full load in my pickup but somehow managed to fit this cool original Clear Vision pump in the space that I quickly figured out how to make for it.
As can be seen in the pix, the glass has the gallon marks etched in it. Very cool pump along with the others at its side in the Lakeside Storage free Museum
Great eyes you travel with! Nice pump, happy spotter!
Did we in England ever have these petrol pumps and if not why not ? Neil
They had them in France so I'm sure u had them too. U probably lost most of them in the War?
Thx for the comment. My spotter is my girlfriend, Best Friend, & wife of 53 yrs don't travel without her.
Thx for the love it
I'll start hunting
It is amazing how many still exist in the USA. We have collected over 50 of various brands/styles in less than 4 yrs and we only pay wholesale prices. Many come without glass and glass cylinders are getting hard to find and are expensive when we find them. Original glass was Cast and that's why it's wavy. Replacement glass is clear and not as pretty. Same with acrylic replacement cylinders.
Thx for the love it
I really can't remember seeing any at all in the UK. My introduction to them was on a tv programme called American Pickers which is very popular here. Neil
Dude, I'm gonna quit visiting your page! I am tired of cleaning up my drool!
Nice job as always! Be safe.
Ha Ha! That's exactly my response to some of the Collector friends we have visited. I have always felt like my drooling all over their floors was a major cleanup issue after I left! There are some awesome collections out there & we're just Bottom Dwelers compared to the "serious" collectors out there.
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it
I looked this one up and it's listed as a model H-22 Air operated visible from 1921!
Also check your comments above for a needed correction.:)
Hmmmm? This pump has the original mfg tag on it that says it's a Model G. I assume the #6423 stamped beside the Model are Serial numbers, or maybe it's a Model G-6423 which is what the Brass Plate says? In any event it's a cool old pump and the only one we have like it.
Hi Rattletrap, your pump might not be in my book the H-22 looks just like yours, I thought maybe the H men't hexagon, is yours air operated or does it have the manual pump handle ?
Now you're testing my memory and that's not fair. I've been working on 4 Visible Pumps this week and am old to boot! I don't recall any air tank or other indicators that this was anything but a hand pumper. I think it has a place for a handle, but can't swear to it. Will check tomorrow for sure. Thx for your help.
Old gas pumps make my day.
As u can see by the collection of over 100 pumps we have, they make my day too! I love hunting them and making the deal. The rest is mostly hard work that no one appreciates. We hope that our collection that we make available for free visits every day to the public will ignite a little excitement like we have. We shall see? Thx for the comment of encouragement.
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it
Love the etched cylinder :)
Thx for the comment. Me too!