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Metal Stop sign.

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Travel and Highway Signs87 of 256old embossed steel DOUBLE ARROW highway signOld Buttoncopy CA freeway sign
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (1334 items)

    Found this metal stop sign over the christmas holidays. Not sure how old it is. Needs a good cleaning.

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    1. fortapache fortapache, 7 years ago
      Embossed. That is a nice one.
    2. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 7 years ago
      I'd guess 1930's/40's, offhand. By then the red/white color scheme had become mostly 'standard' -- before that STOP signs were often yellow, and/or included other words (CROSS STREET, THRU STREET, etc) or "motor club" insignias as well, sometimes with "catseye" reflectors of some sort incorporated. After WWII, aluminum (usually not embossed) became the material of choice for road signs.

      NICE SIGN -- clean it "gently", please! :-)
    3. Trey Trey, 7 years ago
      Nice one !!:)
    4. charmsomeone charmsomeone, 7 years ago
      Thank you fortapache.
    5. charmsomeone charmsomeone, 7 years ago
      AnythingObscure washed it down with soap and water.
    6. charmsomeone charmsomeone, 7 years ago
      Thanks Tray.
    7. Trey Trey, 7 years ago
      Your welcome :)

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