Posted 7 years ago
(1002 items)
This old Indian was part of a WWII reenactment @ a local air show held in the Summer.
As did most manufacturers, Indian had to cut domestic production, and take contracts for the war effort. This greased the skids for Indian's demise, as the government negated the contracts after The War. This led to loss of revenue, which Indian could have used to retool for the peacetime market.
Having dollars to rebuild Europe and Asia following the end of hostilities, and having nothing to aid companies that helped in the war effort doesn't seem right.
Anyway, it's a nice bike! And still runs!!!
Cool Indian :)
Thank you all for your loves of this beauty of a MC!
Your welcome :)
Quite impressive!
Thank you, Coopergirl! Even in its military livery, the Indian shows off its great design!
Thank you all for the loves you have given to this image......
fantastic love the image we use to ride a bsa i think in army livery up the railway lines in hazelrigg such fond exciting memory's
thank you very much for sharing ted-straub