Posted 7 years ago
(279 items)
I would like to ask for your help with this interesting necklace. This was an online buy here in Slovakia for a bargain price of 10 EUR + postal fee. The necklace is from silver, marked 925, no other marks. I cannot say that I am a fan of the design, especially not with the chain and closure. As for origin, India maybe?
Interesting are the big stones. The seller said they are topaz, well, I dont know. They appear to have this beautiful color that many stones marked as dragons breath have - could this be dragons breath glass then? I would like to have that in my collection!
What baffles me is the color change of the big stones. They have this beautiful pink / blue on the front side (disregarding of artificial or natural light - yes I was hoping for alexandrite, but the color does not change into green with artificial light..), yet they appear yellow or even green (one from the stones) from the back side. It depends from the angle where you are looking from. Yet they are un-foiled and transparent , as you can see on the 3rd photo.
I would be very thankful for your opinions on the necklace!
P.S. Thank you cameosleuth for link and for the identification!
Lentilka, this necklace is very beautiful and unique, I love the deep pink faceted stones & pale lavender petals around the flower, they look lovely in the silver setting
Thank you!!
From the way the stones are set, I would say the necklace was made in India. So many things can be done to change the appearance of topaz, it's possible that's what they are, treated in some process. This short article outlines some of the methods & colors: Like 'mystic' topaz, probably coated. It is typical of dichroic/pleochroic stones that they look different depending on the direction the light goes through & are not equally colorful at all angles. Eye-catching bling!
Thank you a lot cameosleuth, for the solved mystery!!
You are most welcome. Sorry for not replying sooner. Am just realizing that I am not getting notifications from CW, even though requested. :)
Me too!