Posted 7 years ago
(437 items)
There was an old mid-1700s song from London titled "Sally In Our Alley" which spread
across the pond to become a Popular Stage Show here with sheet music from that with the same title, then another song about 1920 with a beautiful color cover sheet music, and another play and more sheet music all bearing the same title.!!
Back when the postcard was in full swing with silly comics and inventive titles what showed up was a very lot of postcards with sheet music titles. I have been collecting them so can show more, but this is a favorite because of the early "Bowling Alley" reference and Sally giving the ball her all while a fellow look amused. This reminds me when women began doing things first associated with men, it was called a "craze"--Roller Skating Craze" "Smoking Craze etc"and I assume this idea was from the new fad--Bowling Craze for women. Cute how that tied the bowler into the very old song!
Sally in Our Alley (song), a 1725 song by Henry Carey
Sally in Our Alley (1902 musical), a 1902 musical
Sally in Our Alley (1916 film), a 1916 silent film
Sally in Our Alley (1927 film), a 1927 silent film
Sally in Our Alley (1931 film), a 1931 film
That's a great one!! Those folks, back then, probably had no idea that what they called a "Craze" would still be going strong today.
Thanks jscott0363---I an the biggest fan of Uncle Wiggley and other rabbit collectibles and I see you also love them.
Yep, I am a huge fan of anything Uncle Wiggily Longears. I have all of the books, an Uncle Wiggily board game from the early 1900's and even a couple of Uncle Wiggily Longears lamps. Glad to see there are others that share the same enthusiasm as I do!!
Very nice and have missed seeing you for awhile :-)
Mani---My eyes are giving me problems again. The computer is an enemy!! B ut I will never leave here while I can still breathe! Luv ya!
Hi and Thanks!
I understand eye problems all to well but always great to see your smiling face on CW PCC :-) I make typo's often trying to see black letters against white background .
It is great to see you Lois. Such knowledge you have.
The graphics on these are so good. The third Sally, fantastic!
Here's the song's lyrics spoken :
Not really a Bowling Alley, just a Alley Way, in a neighborhood! I was lookin for Sally to be bowling a 300! :^)
Ahhh Thanks billretired. Yes it was a poem (the lyrics) back in the early 1700s!! I also read 2 old movies were made "Sally In Our Alley"" which was my mothers name--Not her given name==That was Sylvia which she didn't like so took on Sally From Sweden not the Alley. The farm..)I;ll bet that Sally became a really popular name back when. Thanks for the link to the poem
Mani I cannot stand light in my eyes, degenerative disease in both!
Uggh! and my typing is sinful! I hope yout problem is fixable! Lois
racer4four === I had 25 years as editor of A Music Collectors publication and all that time I didn't know there was a postcard-sheet music connection or I would have done articles on it. Amazing that the song titles which everyone was playing on their pianos became part of the jargon of the day, heard in greetings, sayings ,slogons, etc. So I will be put music-postcard connectionds on here. Oh boy! There are many! FUN for me! Whoopie!
Thanks Much!
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ooops! ONE MORE, SpiritBear!