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Bohemian Dagobert Peche/Michael Powolny style vase

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philmac51's loves800 of 1530Steinschönau (Kamenicky Senov) Enameled Glass Bowl, ca. 1915Loetz Tango Glass Vase, Amethyst with silver decoration, PN III-2225 (1 wirtel), ca. 1925
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    Posted 7 years ago

    (186 items)

    When I saw the vase I thought it was tango glass,however later I realised it wasn't .The glass is more transparent than Tango although it has got a black rim.I can't resist the feeling that the glass is exactly the same as Loetz's Ausfurungen 165 and 166,but I don't dare to claim it is Loetz,because I'm not able to confirm the shape.To sum up,I'd like it to be Loetz but my experience doesn't let me identify it.
    Simply,I need your help,CW friends.Any help will be appreciated.

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    1. sklo42 sklo42, 7 years ago
      You've struck treasure with this one, Ivonne. Beautiful!
    2. inky inky, 7 years ago
      Looooove! it....:-)
    3. Ivonne Ivonne, 7 years ago
      Peggy,at the first sight I knew it was something worth spending some money on it.Thanks for your appreciating comment :)
    4. Ivonne Ivonne, 7 years ago
      Inky,I'm jealous!Ilove it too :))
    5. Ivonne Ivonne, 7 years ago
      Thank you everyone who clicked 'Love' :)
    6. jericho jericho, 7 years ago
      What a great shape. I have seen colors in tango appear more transcendent sometimes. the enamel looks great too!
    7. Ivonne Ivonne, 7 years ago
      Thank you,jericho.I'm still thinking 'tango or not tango'.Your comment tipped the balance towards tango.Thanks:)
    8. Gillian, 7 years ago
      Love the pink piece too, very much.
    9. Ivonne Ivonne, 7 years ago
      Gillian,pink is undoubtedly Loetz.Thank you for commenting:)
    10. philmac51 philmac51, 7 years ago
      OOOOOOH This is lovely Ivonne. A fabulous find!
    11. Ivonne Ivonne, 7 years ago
      Philmac,thank you:).I'm sometimes lucky:)
    12. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 7 years ago
      wow it is so beaturifull the color and the enamel
    13. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 7 years ago
      Love these!!
    14. Ivonne Ivonne, 7 years ago
      Thank you,kivatinitz and Elisabethan ,for your comments.The new rules on CW and lack of information about new comments cause that I sometimes miss them,sorry :)

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