Posted 7 years ago
(3478 items)
I am looking at the ID Your Bear site and about all I can tell is that it is filled with wood wool ie wood shavings. After 1920 the bear's head was still filled with wood wool but something softer used for the body. The body is softer in places but is mostly hard. The softer places are the joints. That would place it at 1920 but the rest of the bear is a later style. Bears got shorter arms and legs in the 20s and 30s also they lost the hump in their back. Foam rubber is used for a stuffing starting in 1950 so no doubt it is pre 1950. My guess is 1930s.
What a cute little guy! Someone obviously dearly loved him. I've never seen a Panda bear that old yet. What does his fabric look or feel like...wool or synthetic fiber? Looks like short karakul in photos. His feet and paws do not have patches made of different fabric and he is not jointed ...i don't know what any of this means, just sharing my newly acquired knowledge from your site LOL Are his eyes glass or plastic?
Don't black cats have the best camouflage ever? I sat on my cat more than once since she likes sleeping on a black couch.
Such a sweet antique panda fort, despite his age his face has the true to life markings. Methinks your cat looks a bit jealous, perhaps panda stole his favorite seat lol
Both critters are cute, but I think there is going to be a fight over whose butt gets scanned.
Cute!! I had to look hard to see the cat. He blends in very well:)
Thank you very much AnnaB. I think that link I posted needs diagrams and such as most of it is hard to determine.
I think it is wool but that is a guess. There are no pads or claws. Eyes have a black center.
I found a site where you can post your bears and others ID it but I lost the link.
Thank you very much Newfld. I don't think Smokey liked his spot being taken over either.
Thank you very much racer4four. That scanner hasn't worked in years but it is Smokey's perch.
Thank you very much Scott. Sometimes I just use him for a background.
And thank you very much Thomas. I fear I would not have room for a giant panda.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
What a sweetheart! Kitty looks very contented as well!
Thank you very much betweenthelens. Smokey was content yet a bit miffed.